Thursday, July 11, 2013


A couple of days ago, my friend Cecilie and I had a Comme des Garçons moment. We were looking at the SS 2013 collection (upper left) from opposite ends of the earth, dreaming, and I was reminded of just how beautifully Rei Kawakubo's mind works, often as though unaware of conventional form. Oh? A sleeve? Sure, I'll just put one, hmm...over there. And then, when she does make a conventional dress, one with sleeves in the right places, it's so lovely it hurts.

Cecilie, one of the best fashion curators I know and a former stylist/model for Moonspoon Saloon, pulled up some images of the famous FW 2005 show (see above, all but one), which, let's just cast our praises into the infinite sea, can you imagine anything prettier? The odes to Victorian dress, to painted Geisha faces, to Edith Wharton (I sensed some House of Mirth there) .. it's all so transporting and, in my reality, exactly why fashion and art were invented.

Will somebody marry me so I can be a Comme bride? We'll go to Tokyo in April for our honeymoon and just be wonderfully ridiculous and starry-eyed under the falling cherry blossoms.

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