I've been thinking, in between heavy criminal-justice-related thoughts this week, lightly about hair. My favorite hair blog (I have yet to feel comfortable using the word "blog", though I am now, shudder, a blogger..) is
She Lets Her Hair Down, which I found through friends at
The House that Jack Built. Isn't it funny imagining how all of this would sound to someone out of the nineties? Like a real trip.
So I've decided to cut my hair. I know, you're obviously fascinated. The styles I'm considering are the ones pictured above. Two, of course, are French. As I am, in the soul, approximately two thirds française. For those of you who haven't seen me let my hair down recently, it's
long and wild. In the summer, I like to put it in perfectly arranged
(but seemingly effortless, obvi) piles of tangles on the top of my head.
Otherwise I wear it in a four-way braid, une tresse, as my French
selves so elegantly call it.
My hesitation at letting it all go comes from insecurities about my facial structure. Am I pretty enough for short hair? And for short, untamed, un-styled, messy hair? What about my noticeable lack of chin? Go on, now's the time to tell me I'm gorgeous. I'm looking at you, Mama.
Insecurities withstanding, it's time for a change. Hair can be symbolic in that way, so full of story. Samson, Rapunzel, my orthodox landlord with the side ringlets .. our hair is conflictingly our power, our prison, our way out. I remember being tormented by my hormonal frizzy locks in my early teens. When I discovered salon-strength straightening irons, I thought God had spoken to me.
My friend Tom has written an illustrated novel that explores the power of hair -- I won't reveal anything because it should be coming out soon, but the images (both literal and literary) are positively Safran-Foer-esque. In other words, magical.
So in the spirit of the recent changes in my life, lawyer to journalist, New York to New Orleans, hapless internet wanderer to hapless blogger (ew..still hate it), I'm welcoming a new flapper era of dancing with my hair down and spending a great deal less on conditioner.
Also, while we're on the subject, thank you to my dear friend,
Sofy, my everstrong defender of equal representation, who showed me
this excellent video of hair tutorials for black hair.